Other Good Stuff
Spring on Bronzewing Farm
Updated every 10 minutes | Last update: 8/3/2024 11:10 AM | Current time:

Bronzewing Farm weather for last 3 days

Last 3 Days Weather

© Bronzewing Farm 2011-2021

Our old weather station's life is coming to an end. A new station has been setup and is working well. It will run on this page once all the computing issues are worked out. At present you can access the new weather station -



Rain today

Time and date of last recorded rain:

12:51 PM on 22/8/2022

Rainfall in the last hour: 0.0 mm

Yesterday: 0.0 mm

Month: 0.0 mm

Long-term monthly average: 48.0 mm

Year to date: 0.0 mm

Long-term yearly average: 955 mm

Air Temperature

Today's temperatures

Current humidity (high-low): 38% (97-37%)

Apparent temperature: 23.5°C

Cattle heat stress load (THI): 68.5

Minimum temperature this month: 3.3°C

Maximum temperature this month: 30.7°C


24 hour windspeed and barometer

Average (last 10 min):
11.1 km/h from 4°

Gust (max. last 10 min):
20.4 km/h from 0°

Max today:
20.4 km/h N @ 11:02 AM

Wind run today: 5.33 km

Barometer: 1031.0 hPa

Soil Conditions

Soil temperature (10 cm deep)

24 hr average air temp (as reference): 16.8°C

Evapotranspiration so far today: 0.5 mm

Evapotranspiration yesterday: 1.1 mm

Evapotranspiration for the previous 7 days: 10.0 mm

Rainfall for the previous 7 days: 0.0 mm

Evapotranspiration for the month to date: 10.1 mm

Rainfall for the month to date: 0.0 mm


Vegetable greenhouse temperatures: Conditions in Greenhouse #2 Mountain pepper greenhouse temperatures: Conditions in Greenhouse #1

Data Archives

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